Photo: Michael Hubers
The Auschwitz Initiative is a first of its kind, forward-looking peacebuilding and healing initiative through arts engagement, education, and cultural diplomacy. Our goal is to help counter the global rise of antisemitism.
WHAT: Creation of a Monumental Gold-illuminated Painting to honor the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau; Peacebuilding and Human Rights Education; Cultural Diplomacy.
HOW: Created with Polish artists and scholars; survivors and former prisoners and their families; participants with American, Israeli, German, Russian heritage; minority ethnicities murdered at Auschwitz.
WHERE: Krakow: Home JCC Krakow; Exhibition Galicia Jewish Museum
- Counter the growth of antisemitism worldwide
- Foster engaged and active citizenship that recognizes, respects and celebrates the multi-ethnic, multi-religious world in which we live
- Reach 2.2 million children, two children for each person murdered at Auschwitz
- Prevent violent extremism through artistic engagement, fostering leadership, collaboration, and global citizenship
- WHEN: October 14, 2019 – March 30, 2020; Grand Unveiling January 26, 2020 as part of the 75th Anniversary Commemorative events
“If we understand the history and beauty of what has been damaged or destroyed, we can participate in the beauty of recovery and peace.”
~ Ellen Frank PhD